In Scranton’s fleeting summer’s grasp, Upon my veranda, a scene so vast, A dance of colors, a vibrant hue, “Blue Eddy” Alliums, a sight so true. Amidst the sun’s embrace, they bloom, Azure petals in the afternoon’s room, Eddies of blue, like swirling dreams, In a garden ballet, where beauty gleams. Their fragrant whispers fill the air, A serenade to summer’s affair, A symphony of nature’s delight, As day turns to dusk and then to night. But alas, the season’s grasp is frail, As autumn’s touch begins to unveil, “Blue Eddy” bows, its final bow, Yet leaves a memory to cherish somehow. In Scranton’s fleeting summer’s grace, The Alliums bloomed with gentle grace, A tale of beauty, a moment’s trance, Etched in my heart’s verdant expanse.